LYriC's Blog

「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」

Compilation of Cursor Loops by Realizing Aggify “Correctly”

Project Report

Special thanks to my teammate Haoyu Zhang in this project. 1. Introduction This is the technical report for the Final Project of Carnegie Mellon University Course 15745: Optimizing Compilers. In ...

An Overview of OLAP Systems' History

The Final Essay of CMU 15721 - Advanced Database Systems

Background Since the invention of the first Database Management System (DBMS) in the 1960s, the purpose of DBMS has not changed from storing and querying data. Systems focusing on the former are n...

A Short Sci-Fi Novel

'Quantum' 'Space' 'Alien' 'Bravery'

This is quite an interesting science fiction novel I wrote. Trailblazer


Two Referrals

截止日期:2021-08-26 RA 仅限港大在读学生: 教授是IBGM的director,超级好的德国人。 Applications are invited for an appointment as part-time research assistant (RA) in the Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business ...



参考文章: 正文 废话不多说,先上图: JVM内存结构主要有三大块:堆内存、方法区和栈。 堆内存是JVM中最大的一块由年轻代和老年代组成,而年轻代内存又被分成三部分,Eden空间、From Survivor空间、To Sur...



时间线 2020-12月末 Google SWE Intern投递(内推) 2020-1月中 腾讯云存储 SWE Intern内推 一天后 一面挂(原因据说是我在面试中说可能要读研?) 2021-1月末 微软苏州SWE Intern官网投递(无内推) ...

Hello Blog

Welcome myself to his new residence.

正文 目前为止,网站用的是Huxpro,一个在GitHub上很火的blog template。所有内容是托管到AWS上。这里墙裂推荐AWS的Amplify。它可以自动从Github上pull一个repo的最新代码,然后去编译并部署(其实Github Pages自己也可以)。最主要的是他是免费的!!! 以后呢,我会在这上面分享一些技术的心得,和生活上的思考。其实这些需求用一些社交软件或...